1984 was the first time I had heard the term ‘gamebook’. I was intrigued, not only was this a book but a book that you could decide the outcome. I must have mentioned this to my mother because the next day she bought me my first gamebook, Steve Jackson’s Starship Traveller. I then spent the whole day devouring this book, transported to a new and vivid universe. Straight away I was hooked and wanted to read more stories.
Over the next ten years or so I spent the majority of my pocket money on purchasing the latest gamebook title to be released and led me on to read pretty much any book I could get my hands on. However as time went by and I got older my collection of gamebooks eventually got boxed up and were quietly forgotten…
Fast forward now to 2015, I have recently moved to a new house with my wife and it has led me to re-discover my collection of books. I have recently read a couple and thoroughly enjoyed playing them. I thought that it would be fun to start up a blog to document my experiences in replaying my newly found collection of books.
I am hoping that this blog will include the latest gamebook news as well as my views and reviews of my existing collection. Also I would like to document some play-throughs of some of my favourite books.
May your Stamina never fail!